GB 12 Acupuncture Point(Wangu) belongs to the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang,which is commonly used for stiff neck pain, cheek swelling, throat disorder, dental caries, facial paraysis, epilepsy, malaria. Trigeminal neuralgia, migraine, neck pain, etc.,oblique puncture 0.5 to 0.8 cun.

GB 12 Acupuncture Point Location

In a depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process.

wangu point

What is the meaning of Wangu

Wangu:”Wan”,all.”Gu”,bone,the water of the kidney. The name of “Wangu” means that the Qi of Gall Bladder Meridian is completely cold down to water of the ground. The substance of this acupoint is the cold dampness-qi from GB 11(Touqiaoyin) point,After reaching this point,All dampness-qi of the heaven drop to the ground water, hence the name.

wangu GB 12

GB 12 Acupuncture Point Usage

  • stiff neck pain, cheek swelling, throat disorder, dental caries, facial paraysis, epilepsy, malaria.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia, migraine, neck pain, etc

Clinical:Facial nerve palsy, mumps, tonsillitis, insomnia, etc.

GB 12 Acupuncture Point Therapy

Massage therapy

Press and rub GB 12(Wangu) point with the middle finger for 1 to 3 minutes each time, which can promote blood circulation in head and neck, relieve insomnia, and improve sleep quality if long-term massage it.

GB 12 wangu

GB 12 Acupoint Compatibility

Combined with Temple, Shuaigu, and Fengchi point to treat headaches.

Combined with Fengchi and Dazhu point to treat malaria;

Combined with Fengchi and Hegu point to treat throat disorder,toothache due to wind-heat;

Combined with Fengchi point to treat epilepsy.

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