ocean jasper

Gemstones and crystals have been prized for their beauty and healing properties for centuries. Among these are the Rainforest Jasper and Ocean Jasper, two stones that are often confused due to their similar appearance. While they share some similarities, they are distinctly different stones. In this article, we will explore the differences between Rainforest Jasper and Ocean Jasper, and help you to understand which stone is right for you.

What is Rainforest Jasper?

Rainforest Jasper is a unique variety of Jasper that is known for its distinctive green and earthy tones, resembling the lush colors of a tropical rainforest. This stone is found in many different parts of the world, including Australia, Madagascar, and the United States.

Appearance and Characteristics

Rainforest Jasper has a range of colors, including green, yellow, and brown, and is often mottled with speckles and swirls of other colors. It has a smooth and polished surface, and can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes, including oval, round, and teardrop.

Rainforest Jasper is considered a nurturing stone, and is said to provide protection, calmness, and a sense of grounding. It is also believed to promote physical and emotional healing, as well as a connection with nature.

Uses and Benefits

Rainforest Jasper is a versatile stone that can be used in a variety of ways, including as jewelry, home decor, and in meditation practices. Some of the benefits of Rainforest Jasper include:

  • Promoting a sense of calm and tranquility
  • Encouraging emotional healing and self-love
  • Helping to reduce stress and anxiety
  • Strengthening the connection to nature and the earth
  • Improving physical health, including digestion and detoxification

Rarity and Value

Rainforest Jasper is a relatively common stone and can be found in many parts of the world. It is a more affordable stone compared to other gemstones, making it a great option for those looking for an affordable yet beautiful stone.

What is Ocean Jasper?

Ocean Jasper is a unique variety of Jasper that is known for its distinctive orbs, resembling bubbles or drops of water on the surface of the stone. This stone is found only in one place in the world, the northwest coast of Madagascar, making it a rare and highly sought-after gemstone.

Appearance and Characteristics

Ocean Jasper is a multi-colored stone with a range of hues, including blue, green, yellow, and pink. It has a unique pattern of orbs, and can also have streaks, veins, or speckles of other colors. It has a smooth and polished surface, and can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Ocean Jasper is considered a healing stone, and is said to promote physical and emotional wellbeing, as well as inner peace and spiritual growth.

Uses and Benefits

Ocean Jasper is a popular stone for jewelry and home decor, and is also used in meditation practices. Some of the benefits of Ocean Jasper include:

  • Encouraging emotional healing and self-reflection
  • Helping to reduce stress and anxiety
  • Promoting physical health, including immune function and metabolism
  • Enhancing spiritual growth and insight
  • Improving communication and social skills

Rarity and Value

Ocean Jasper is a rare and highly sought-after gemstone, making it more expensive than other types of Jasper. Its unique appearance and healing properties make it a valuable addition to any gemstone collection.

Differences between Rainforest Jasper and Ocean Jasper

While Rainforest Jasper and Ocean Jasper share some similarities, they are distinct stones with differences in their appearance, geological formation, and value.

Geological Formation

Rainforest Jasper is formed from the sedimentation of volcanic ash and other minerals, while Ocean Jasper is formed from volcanic activity and precipitation of minerals in the ocean. This difference in formation is reflected in their appearance, with Rainforest Jasper having a more earthy, organic look, while Ocean Jasper has a more polished, refined appearance.

Color and Pattern

Rainforest Jasper typically has a range of green, yellow, and brown hues, with speckles and swirls of other colors. Ocean Jasper, on the other hand, has a more diverse range of colors, with blue, green, yellow, and pink hues, and a distinctive pattern of orbs or bubbles on the surface of the stone.

Mineral Composition

Rainforest Jasper is primarily composed of quartz and chalcedony, while Ocean Jasper is composed of a variety of minerals, including quartz, chalcedony, and other silicates. This difference in mineral composition can affect the stone’s properties and benefits.

Availability and Cost

Rainforest Jasper is a relatively common stone and can be found in many parts of the world, making it more affordable than Ocean Jasper, which is only found in one location in Madagascar. The rarity and unique appearance of Ocean Jasper make it a more valuable and expensive stone.

How to tell the difference between Rainforest Jasper and Ocean Jasper

If you’re unsure whether you have a piece of Rainforest Jasper or Ocean Jasper, there are a few ways to tell the difference.

Visual Cues

The most obvious difference between the two stones is their appearance. Rainforest Jasper typically has a range of green, yellow, and brown hues, with speckles and swirls of other colors, while Ocean Jasper has a more diverse range of colors, with blue, green, yellow, and pink hues, and a distinctive pattern of orbs or bubbles on the surface of the stone.

Geographical Location

Rainforest Jasper can be found in many parts of the world, including Australia, Madagascar, and the United States, while Ocean Jasper is found only in one location in the northwest coast of Madagascar.

Chemical Tests

If you have access to chemical testing equipment, you can perform a chemical analysis of the stone to determine its composition and identify whether it is Rainforest Jasper or Ocean Jasper.

Which is better: Rainforest Jasper or Ocean Jasper?

The answer to this question depends on your personal preferences and what you’re looking for in a gemstone. Both Rainforest Jasper and Ocean Jasper have unique properties and benefits that make them valuable additions to any gemstone collection.

Pros and Cons of Each Stone

Rainforest Jasper is a more affordable and common stone, with a nurturing and grounding energy that can promote emotional healing and physical health. On the other hand, Ocean Jasper is a rare and highly sought-after stone, with a unique appearance and a range of spiritual and emotional benefits.

Factors to Consider

When choosing between Rainforest Jasper and Ocean Jasper, consider the following factors:

  • Rarity and value: If you’re looking for a rare and valuable stone, Ocean Jasper may be the better choice.
  • Appearance: If you prefer a stone with a more earthy and organic appearance, Rainforest Jasper may be a better fit.
  • Healing properties: Consider the specific properties and benefits of each stone, and choose the one that aligns with your personal needs and goals.


Rainforest Jasper and Ocean Jasper are both beautiful and unique gemstones, each with their own distinctive properties and benefits. Understanding the differences between the two can help you to choose the stone that is right for you. Whether you prefer the grounding and nurturing energy of Rainforest Jasper, or the rare and spiritual properties of Ocean Jasper, both stones have something valuable to offer.