Pain in the palm of the hand can get extremely severe. It can affect your ability to even perform some of the most basic tasks. The pain in the palms of your hands can arise due to many reasons. It can be due to some disease or some injury as well. If left unattended, the problem can turn severe as well. This is why you need to take this pain seriously. Otherwise, it can create problems for you in ways that you never imagined before. Want to know more about pain in the palms of hands and how to relieve hand pain? If yes, then stay tuned. You will find everything that you need to know below.

Pain In Palm Of Hand

What Causes Pain In Palm Of Hand?

The pain in the palm of hands can be due to many reasons. It can either be due to some disease or some injury as well. To relieve pain in the palm of your hands, you need to find out the cause of the pain first. This is why we have listed some basic causes for the pain in the palm of hands below. Let’s check them out.

  • Arthritis

Arthritis is one of the leading causes of pain in the hands. It is a condition that takes place due to inflammation in one or more joints of your body. Arthritis can occur anywhere in the body. But, it is more common in hands and wrists. Although there are a lot of types of arthritis, the most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that more commonly occurs in adults. It is because their joins experience a lot of wear and tear over the years. As a result, they might experience pain in the palm of their hands.


  • Injuries

The next common cause of the pain in the palm of the hands is due to some injury. If your daily routine involves the use of heavy equipment, playing sports, or working in a hazardous environment, then you might face frequent injuries. These injuries can prove to be extremely dangerous. They can damage some important areas of your hands. Your nerves, muscles, and tendons can be damaged as well. If you have an injury in your hands, you might notice bruising and swelling in them. As a result, you might face constant pain in the palm of your hands as well.

  • Infections

Infections are another common cause of pain in the palm of hands. These infections can occur due to cuts and wounds on your hands. If left untreated, they can turn into extremely severe pain. Not only pain in palms, sometimes it can lead to swelling in the hands as well. This is why you must treat these injuries as soon as possible. Otherwise, the problem can turn severe. Some common symptoms of infection in your hands include puss, drainage, redness in the palms, fever, and the feeling of hotness in your hands. So, keep an eye out for these symptoms and get your injuries treated as soon as possible.

  • Palmar Fasciitis

It is an extremely rare medical condition. Palmar fasciitis causes inflammation in your palmar fascia. For those of you who do not know, palmar fascia is a thick band of tissues in your palms. It connects your palms to your fingers. This condition can make it extremely difficult for people to straighten their fingers properly. Not only this, you will notice severe pain in your palms as well. If you are suffering from palmar fasciitis, it will usually affect both of your hands. This condition is most likely to occur in people suffering from polyarthritis.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is another condition that may cause pain in the palm of your hands. The wrist of the person suffering from carpal tunnel becomes inflamed and compressed. As a result, more pressure is placed on the tendons and median nerve of the hand. This is the reason that a person suffering from carpal tunnel experiences constant pain in the palm of their hands. The symptoms of carpal tunnel start slowly and get worse at night. So, you need to be extra careful during night time.

Some Tips For You To Relieve Hand Pain

Pain in the palm of the hands can be extremely annoying. Constant pain in your palms can increase swelling and stiffness in them as well. As a result, you will not be able to carry out even basic tasks. This is why you must do something about the pain. For this purpose, we have listed some tips and remedies for you below. These tips will help you get rid of your hand pain faster. But, if the pain continues, make sure that you go see a doctor as soon as possible.

  • Splinters

If you are constantly facing pain in the palm of your hands, then you must try splinters to get rid of the pain. Splinters will stabilize the position of your wrist, thumbs, and fingers. If you are a patient with arthritis, you can wear a splinter for a few weeks as well. When you will wear a splinter, it will settle the inflammation down. As a result, your pain will reduce as well. So, if you are constantly facing pain in the palm of your hands due to arthritis or any other reason, you should try a splinter and see the results for yourself.

  • Heat And Cold

Another effective technique to get relief from the pain in your palms is heat and cold. According to many doctors, heat is extremely effective to reduce the stiffness in your hands and palms caused due to the pain. So, if you are constantly facing pain in the palm of your hands, you can try heating them. You can even take a hot shower and it will prove to be effective as well. Apart from this, cold is also effective to get relief from hand pain. Surprised? But it is actually true. You can get relief from hand pain caused by playing golf through the cold. All you need to do is apply a frozen bag of peas and corn on your hands and it will do the job.

  • Exercises And Stretches

Exercises and stretches are some of the most common remedies for getting relief from the pain in the palm of your hands. When you do stretches and exercises, the muscles and tendons of your hands are focused. As a result, you will get relief from the constant pain that you are facing. But, make sure that you first consult a therapist. They will best guide you on which exercises to do and which not to. Otherwise, you can pull a muscle or two as well. This is why you must consult a therapist first.

  • Massage

Massage is an old yet effective technique that will help you get rid of the pain in the palm of your hands. You can get a massage done at the massage parlor or even ask someone to massage your palms as well. If you do not want to do this, you can even get a palm massager for the pain in the palm of your hands. The palm massager will help you get relief from the pain in your hands just by sitting at home. This is why the use of a palm massager has been gaining so much popularity these days.

Hand Reflexology Points:10+ Amazing Pressure Points On Hands

  • Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is an extremely effective oil to treat the pain in the palm of your hands. It is because lavender oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties that will soothe the inflammation in your palms caused due to the pain. So, if you are also facing constant pain in your palms, you should try lavender oil as well. You will get immediate relief from the pain. For more effective results, you can even dilute a drop or two of the lavender essential oil in any regular oil such as olive oil. Just massage your palm with a mixture of two oils. You will notice the improvement in the pain for yourself.

  • NSAIDs

If the pain in the palm of your hands is extremely severe, you can even take the assistance of NSAIDs. NSAIDs are Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs. These NSAIDs can prove to be effective in getting rid of the pain. But, make sure that you do not make it a habit to take these drugs daily. You should take them in extreme cases only. Otherwise, they will not work with you anymore. Not only this, but it is not good for your health as well. This is why you should not make a habit of taking NSAIDs.

So, these were a few tips that you can adopt to treat the pain in the palm of your hands. They are extremely effective and you will notice improvement within a few weeks. But, if the problem persists, you should see a doctor immediately.

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